The perfect guide for Leo Season
Throning Lion | Ludwig Knaus (German, 1829-1921)
Ushering in the star of the show, Leo!
After the watery, nostalgic, cozy vibes of Cancer Season, we are heading straight into the energy of the performer, the star, the diva, and the radiantly alive inner child.
If you’re new to Astrology, or just want a refresher, here’s your complete guide to welcoming in this energy!
Here’s what I’m covering in this article:
Understanding Leo; the Lion
What to expect
Your questionnaire
5 tips for moving through this Leo Season
Understanding Leo; the Lion
Leo is a fixed fire sign and is really carrying the undimming metaphorical torch of the heat of summer.
Leo is symbolized by The Lion and the season spans from about July 22nd to August 22. Leo is ruled by our precious, living giving star, The Sun.
The Constellation of Leo is based on the myth of the Nemean lion of Greek mythology, the first of the twelve labours (his penances) of Greek hero, Heracles.
Leo energy is all about:
The inner child
The Regal Ruler
Joyful play
Unapologetic self-expression
You as the performer & your stage
Primal, Creative life force energy
Bold courage
Drama lol
P-R-I-D-E & P-A-S-S-I-O-N
Fixed signs are very steady and somewhat rigid. They are firm and when we tap into the energy of Leo, it’s very abundant how bold and audacious it is with its presence.
Showbiz and the Stage are all very obvious embodiments of this energy; the drama, the extravaganza, the spotlight and performing.
The Lion of the Jungle is meant to be seen and will make himself known.
What to expect
As I highlighted the obvious embodiments of Leo energy through the stage and the energy of those on the stage, I want to explore some maybe less obvious facets of Leo’s energy that are important for us to understand.
Leos energy is very crucial to have for success in any venture you start or with anything you are in relationship with.
Self-confidence and the necessary amount of ego that is needed to have confidence is HUGE.
This sense of self-confidence, TRUE confidence that is rooted from the inner light within and not as a fake ego mask to hide insecurities, is what draws in the energy of what we desire.
This confidence or lack of confidence (lack of connection to the leo energy within) highlights for us how worthy we feel of receiving what we desire, how much “self-absorption” we need to claim that “this is what I want and I am going to get it, period.”
In some spiritual circles there is emphasis around not having an ego, being self-less, giving to others, etc.
There can be deep lessons to take from those examples above that CAN be beneficial to our life such as; not being overly egotistical, caring about others, and learning to have faith in the abundance of the Creator in order to share.
BUT having a healthy sense of SELF, prioritizing yourself & your joy, pleasure, play in life is an absolute necessity especially in cultures/societies that can see this as “selfish” and LEO energy is here to teach you that.
Your questionnaire
What is your relationship like with your inner child?
Do you have one? Try some inner child meditations & connecting to the innocent joy within.
How do you play?
Do you prioritize play or do you use it as a “reward” & something to be earned?
Capitalistic culture demonizes having fun as “immature” but it needs to be a priority.
How much are you allowing yourself to be seen?
The Lion of the Jungle isn’t hiding.
The Sun must shine so we may receive it’ to have Life.
Do you feel that you are boldly self-expressed?
The older we get, the more we try to fit in with society & that dims our light.
Are you confident?!
Build your confidence by integrating Leo’s energy into your self.
5 tips for moving through this Leo Season
Confront any confidence issues
Your Confidence is going to come from the inner work you do to receive because you believe you are worthy.
Show the fuck up for your dreams
Dreams are given to you to manifest into reality. DO IT.
Take up your space!!!
Do what feels good for you
Ultimately, creating more joy, happiness, true pleasure in life is the goal for most people.
If it doesn’t leave you feeling better afterwards (even if it is painful in the moment) you should reconsider.
Be the leader that you know you are
A leader needs a tribe to lead.
Find your people
Open to receive your heart’s desire.
Stop minimizing what you truly want because you are afraid of owning it or you think it’s “too much”.
Leo energy doesn’t believe in “too much.” The bigger, the better.
How are you enjoying Leo Season? Leave a comment and let me know.
After exploring the depths of our inner self & heart, taking that into the bold, deliciously expressive energy of Leo feels so good! I hope you explore this for yourself & enjoyed this article.
I will catch you in the future, divine besties.