Contact me

My email is for business inquiries & purposes only. For any other communication needs, please submit through the contact form.

Thank you for respecting my boundaries!

Interviews & collaborations

If you would like to interview me, have me on your podcast, channel, or blog please reach out! I am happy to collaborate with like-minded brands and individuals sharing similar values. If your brand aligns with the values held here at Goddessly, email me and I will get in touch with you shortly.


If you would like to work with me through coaching (1-1 or my programs), please visit this coaching page.


Check out the FAQ’s page, I may have answered your question already!

If you have any further questions or inquiry needs that haven’t been addressed on this page, reach out through the contact form.

Let’s connect!

You can find Goddessly on social media here:




Email: For business inquiries only

Goddessly values

  • Spiritually-minded

  • Healing & Empowering

  • Eco-conscious

  • Animal-friendly, cruelty free

  • Service oriented

  • Community focused

  • Mindset improvement

Contact Goddessly.