The one who destroys you
Understanding the spiritual design of romantic relationships so that yours can flourish.
Kiss of the Siren | Gustav Wertheimer (Austrian, 1847-1902)
Love & Relationships
Love is the Great Annihilator. It is the Truth, the Purifying flame, the Cleansing Water, and the nourishing Earth that brings to awareness all the impurity and separation within the mind. It is the Unifier, bringing all that is lost back home and into the perfect cosmic dance of harmony called Love.
It is the destroyer, stripping away all falsehood. It is both soft and fierce and when one is resting in Eternal Truth, it is the sanctuary you abide in.
Your romantic relationship is a spiritual playground. When you know this, you can bring awareness to the deep, enticing illusions that exist in the world’s perceptions of love. The romantic relationships that last are the ones that are rooted in Truth, and the ones where both parties are devoted to living in cosmic law, willing to submit all ego at Love’s lotus feet.
Where to begin
You can begin by entering the heart. It is the heart that has a compass, an internal navigation that lives in truthfulness rather than an internal navigation that is subject to any delusions and lies fed to it, such as the unawakened mind. There are many “methods” to clean away the sleep that the heart falls into when living in a world society that is also largely dysregulated and living in separation.
You can begin by exploring your heart’s current conditions and choosing to sit in awareness in the heart space. There are no huge, life-transforming actions that are needed. Small, simple, and consistent practices are enough.
When you come to spend time with your heart and open a dialogue with her, to listen to her without interruption or desire/will to control her, you begin to once again come into the seat of your heart. She has eternal wisdom to give to you when you show her that you are devoted to her and are ready to face the Truth that she reveals.
A journalling practice is practically non-negotiable. There is no other solid evidence & “data” that you can collect than to see your inner nature, thoughts, and feelings written for you to look over. There is also no correct or wrong way to journal, so long as you do so. Simple is sweet.
This will give you the beginnings of the necessary foundations that are required to hold the level of love you are seeking.
The mirror
Your partner is the deepest blessing for you, as they are the one who give the gift of seeing what is invisible to you yet exists within your self. Upon seeing the mirror of your partner, you must learn to “ingest” what is shown to you, to break it down and allow its Shakti to burn away the falsehoods that have accumulated in your mind, from your perception, your beliefs, and the actions or lack of that you choose to take.
It is not the partner to blame, it is the self to hold accountable for the choices it makes from it’s freewill. You chose your partner and that is your responsibility. And from this freedom of choice, it is further your spiritual responsibility to dive into the cosmic darkness that awaits you simply from the interactions with them, as the partner spiritually is considered “the other half”.
Cosmically, your romantic partner is always exactly the opposite of your ego self, and your union is a merging and interaction of the polarity between your energies. This is very evidently shown in the esoteric wisdom of astrology, which shows the house of partnership, the 7th house, as the opposite of the house of Self, the 1st house.
Understanding this cosmic design, you can begin to know that your partner is always the one who “destroys” you. And this destruction is a cosmic blessing because the Truth is Eternal and undestroyable so that which is destroyed can only be falsehood and the necessary clearing of that which holds you back from knowing Truth within your heart.
Your lover is the one who destroys you to bring you back into accordance with Truth. You must be ready and willing to lay down your ego and mind at their feet, as they must be willing to do with you. Only then can you have lasting love, because that which lives in Truth can truly flourish into the cosmic splendor and radiance, the peace and bliss, the love and intimacy that your spirit seeks to remember.
Kiss your lover with the deepest reverence of gratitude & devotion because the one who shows to your own darkness so that you may merge deeper into love and true union with the Beloved is nothing short of The Divine themself, as equal to any Saint bestowing upon you priceless blessings.
If you are a woman interested in feminine awakening & deepening relationship intimacy or calling in an aligned partner, I explore these topics exclusively in my community group: Feminine Radiance.
(Specifically for this article, I have videos up on awakening the heart’s sacred flame & clearing out blocks such as Mistrust, etc.)
Come & join, I’d love to see you there.
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