Stuck? Same problems? Solutions.
Caught in the Web | Luis Ricardo Falero (Spanish, 1851 – 1896)
There is a power outage. It is 6 in the morning and I am undecidely very restless!
So here I am writing you this article.
Why the same old sh*t keeps happening again & again. Same problems with different faces.
Ahhhh, don't we just love that?
You think you've escaped & that it's over now, but nope....haha, that's not how The Universe works here, Hunnie.
I am arguable a little more sarcastic than usual today as well, you’ve been warned :)
Why this keeps happening
I'm sorry to break it to you, sweetie, but you are the problem.
The common denominator is you..
That's why it keeps happening again and again, these repeating situations, no matter how new or fresh the person/situation feels.
YOU are the one carrying this energy, that is bringing this energy into fruition.
What I am not saying
Now, let's be super clear before I explain further.
Other people are responsible for their own actions, their emotions, their decisions.
That is ALL THEIR responsibility!
Just as much as how I feel is my responsibility. How I act is my responsibility, and so forth.
The key here is radical self accountability & responsibility.
We are all responsible for our own selves.
Now, back to the main program
Yesss, it's all your fault.
Don't you find it curious that the same patterns keep popping up in your life?
Connect the dots, & it spells your name.
Curious how? Allow me to break it down for you.
Sooo, how am I responsible?
AHHH, a wonderful question to ask, with a beautiful acceptance of our hand in our life's problems.
I applaud you!
It can take people a whole life-time, or honestly even never, do accept that they are responsible for what's happening in their life.
The key divine wisdom to understand here, is that
"The lesson will keep repeating itself until it is learned."
Repeat that out loud.
The lesson will keep repeating itself until it is learned.
Remember, we live in an energetic universe.
You are energy, your thoughts & actions carry an energetic signature. You marinate in a certain energetic field.
This same energy will keep showing up again, because you haven't been able to see how you are responsible for this energy, meaning you haven't taken accountability, haven't changed your energy so that you experience a different reality!
Don’t do this!
You may be blaming other people.
It's XYZ's fault that it happened. They are an a**hole.
Well, yes, they may be, but if you look close to see the pattern, you may notice that it is showing you that you lack boundaries, for example.
(In fact, this is such a common issue for us, that I will keep rolling with this example!)
Once you are able to
spot the pattern
see the lesson within yourself it is showing you
where you need to learn & grow & evolve as a soul
you'll begin releasing that energy & the experiences & reality we experience from being in that energetic frequency.
Once that happens, once we are able to take radical self responsibility and see that others are just a mirror for us, then the healing begins.
How to be self-accountable?
If you’re wondering HOW to be accountable, it’s pretty simple!
Just follow this little process.
To begin being accountable for our actions & our emotions, it’s important for us to be able to create a space within us from our emotions & experiences so we can observe and allow room for wisdom to shift our perspectives & beliefs.
In order to do that, next time a troubled emotion comes up, or you’re going through a hard time, ask yourself, “What is the divine lesson I am being taught? How is this helping me to grow as a soul?”
For example, learning how to honor yourself & speak up, learning what you are or are not okay with, learning how to assert boundaries, how to not take things personally, etc.
Asking yourself this, will bring the focus to the growth, and also can help take the blame away from others.
And it will help lead you into the healing.
The healing
This is the most important part. This is how we actually release the energy causing the repetition of pain & trauma.
You see, your actions, your thoughts, the version of you that was acting in the way that you were before, i.e. not having boundaries, was coming from a wounded place in your ego.
The ego feels wounded because it is separated from Soul, the truth nature of our being.
It is an unconscious awareness of what your ego feels it lacks, or what it may be wanting, what it feels most familiar with, or is having a hard time doing, I.e. speaking up to assert your boundaries, which formed from your earthly experiences & conditionings.
So, to paint the picture here;
You may have had a parent, who in your young life, would not honor you & make it feel safe for you to share your thoughts & feelings.
So, you may have grown up people-pleasing to your parent, & not speaking up.
Either managing their emotions by adjusting your behavior so they don't get angry you aren't doing things their way or obeying them to try & make them proud that they have such a quietly, obedient child.
Whatever the case, you learned not to speak up for yourself.
Which translates into your early relationships with friends, at school, at work, romantic relationships.
Are you seeing the picture here?
This dynamic creates an energy within you, that can begin to feel infused into our personality.
It's not, don't worry.
(Personality is fluid & can change, as it usually does as we heal & become more authentic!)
Because you carry this energy within you, of not being able to speak up for yourself, it reenacts in all your relationships! Until you learn the lesson of speaking up for yourself.
Simple right?
It’s in the brain too
Aaaannnndddd, because we have a body, this energy also becomes infused into our body, our DNA if you will.
Your brain will remember & feel most comfortable in this energy. Because it's used to it! It has already created neural connections & pathways within your brain from your experiences.
Our brain is just the sweetest, trying to make everything so much easier for us, and itself!
So, in the beginning, because it's new to speak up for yourself, it may feel scary, hard, and difficult.
But the more you repeatedly practice honoring yourself & your emotions, the easier it will become. It's because your brain is making those new neural pathways & connections that grow stronger from repetition!
That’s a wrap!
And that's how you heal! You learn the lesson & take the necessary actions that you need to in order to honor yourself, to infuse this divine wisdom in your life practically, to become a better, more healed version of yourself.
Does that all make sense? If it doesn't, go back & re-read whatever you need to!
Understanding this is going to change your life! I pinky-promise.
Realizing you are the problem
You are not responsible for other people's emotions & actions
The lesson will repeat itself until it is learned
Don't blame others, self-accountability is key
Healing & how it's done
WOW, this article was amazing!
That was a lot, so give it some time to sink in. These wisdoms needs to sink in to us energetically, not just as something we know intellectually, but something that we feel energetically as well.
Kind of like a full body realization. It comes with a deep sense of knowing that you can feel.
That's how you know it's sunk in!
Check out my podcast too before you leave!
Hope you loved this just as much as I did! If you have any questions, let me know and I am happy to answer them for you!
And alsssooooo, if you don't listen to my podcast, you definitely should!
I have an episode on this exact topic that you may enjoy listening to!
Episode 9; why you keep experiencing the same problems + the solution!
It's just another layer of sinking in, when we hear it, rather than just reading it ;)
Check that out by clicking on PODCAST in the header! And be sure to leave me a review if you’re enjoying it!
Happy Soul learning ♡