Set goals in Feminine energetic alignment!

Aligning the feminine energetics with masculine goal-orientated focus


You have been setting your goals all wrong!


Especially if you’re someone who struggles to reach their goals, you reach them but you feel overwhelmed & burnt out, or you hate setting goals to begin with.

This article is for you.

As women, we typically thrive in our feminine energy.

Even for women who may be in more male dominated industries, that feel they are more “masculine” may find that they feel better incorporating more feminine energetics into their business/work-life.

And no, feminine energetics isn’t all just about caring & nurturing.

There’s creativity, play, pleasure, ease. So, so, so much more. I’ll be sure to do an article about it to illustrate the different ways feminine energy manifests compared to masculine energy.

And, if you’re a woman who feels really fulfilled and nourished being in your masculine energy primarily, more power to you!

How we’ve been taught

We’ve all been taught to go about goals in a very masculine, hustling way.

And as spiritual, intuitive women, that is usually not aligned with our being! In any way.

When you feel into the energy of how it’s been done;

  • the hustling & grinding

  • always doing more

  • the rigid structure, routines, rules, etc.

It can feel heavy. And it is, for us as intuitive women.

Our energy is asking us to operate differently. Live our life differently. To step away from the rigid, super structured way of life.

We’ve been taught that we have to start acting and being in this energy to succeed in a “man’s world”.

Yeah, no hunnie. Toss that shit out into the garbage. There’s a better way. Trust me.

The feminine energy

It’s time for us to learn to be in tune with our bodies, our cycles, our fluctuating nature. To be in more flow and ease. To nurture our wellbeing. To step into play, creativity, pleasure.

This is really where our power comes from.

We play in a whole different level & frequency from this space of energy. And because it’s so much more in tune with our being, it’s so much more potent and successful!

Yes, I actually did say that!

I’ve seen so many women & been in courses with women who up-leveled their life, their income, their business, & SLAYED their goals by stepping into embodying more of their feminine energy and acting from that place.

So, what does that have to do with setting goals?

Incorporating feminine energy, the understanding of what it is, how it applies to your life, is going to allow you to infuse it into your goal setting.

We want to take the old, masculine energetic way of setting up our goals, & balance it out with the feminine energy of embodiment.

So, basically, instead of focusing on just having a productivity-orientated goal, we want to look at what energies we are going to need to embody to get to that goal. And how we can incorporate those energies into our life.

It shifts from being about

  • working towards the goal

  • all the hustle because we aren’t hitting our goal yet

  • the needing to work harder to hit it,

  • the disappointment & feelings of failure

  • & of not being good enough when we fall short

to shifting into an energetic practice of releasing & introducing energy into our life.

Of releasing the self-limiting beliefs in the mindset & subconscious, & grounding in divine codes around abundance, ease, receiving, worthiness, etc.

And of also making actions & decisions based on intuitive guidance and downloads instead of just strategy and all of the things we must do in strategy.

Allowing the intuition to non-sensically transform us, through all the randomness it can sometimes present itself through, which in the end is even more successful than the strategy.

How to hit the goals (feeling amazing & in flow)

The embodiment is actually how we get to the goal.

You can’t stay the same energetically and expect different outcomes goal-wise.

Meaning, you’ve gotta make new moves. Scary ones sometimes.

Stretching ourselves to do new things is sometimes hard, even more so when we become stuck in fear, resistance, doubt, overthinking, anxiety, the logical mind.

So work on clearing through your energy, & anything that comes up to stop you.

Pairing this, with embodiment is key,

What does embodiment look like?

It looks like aligning your energy to your goal & stepping into the energy of the boldest, most fearless, baddest bitch you who goes after her dreams & believes in herself, her intuition, her magic endlessly.

Here are some questions to as?

  1. Are you 100% behind your goal?

    • It’s a hell yes or a no. If it’s not a hell to the fuck yes in your body, than really consider the next question which will help you see why it’s not a fuck yes.

  2. What is not 100% behind your goal?

    • This is going to help you identify the fears, the hesitations, the self-limiting beliefs, the not good enough-ness, the subconscious beliefs.

    • To hit your goal, you need to embody a new you, who gets uncomfortable.

  3. What do you feel like you are lacking in reaching this goal?

  4. What does version B have & do to hit this goal?

    1. Version B is the you who already has everything that you desire. Who has already made those scary, boss moves. This question helps us see & feel into the energy of what you embodiment to have your success.

  5. What support do you need?

Knowing all of your resistance, what the road blocks are going to be, is going to help you achieve your goal.

Make sure to

  • Work on your mindset

  • follow your intuition

  • & stay consistent

Hope that helped! That was a lot, so go back and let it really sink in.

To recap:

  1. We looked at how we’ve been taught to set goals in a very masculine energy

  2. What feminine energy looks like

  3. How that will help us hit our goals, with ease & pleasure!

  4. & what embodiment of feminine energetics in goal setting looks like!

Maybe I proposed a totally new way to go about setting goals for you! I hope you learned something new & useful to apply into your life and for living life in a more heart-centered, intuitively-led way.

Sending you so much love & bad-assery!

Catch you in the future ;)

The Goddess

Gurjot Kaur is the artiste of Goddessly & host of The Goddess Essence Podcast. She is ardently devoted to feminine awakening & intimate relationships. In a hot love affair with life, her creative muse, & loving courageously.


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