Let go & live from the heart
La muse du peintre | Henri Martin (French, 1860 – 1943)
Wherever we are born from, no matter the time in history, our culture, our age, our differences, we all want one thing; to love, to be loved, and feel alive.
It’s the heartbeat of our blood as humanity.
But time, conditioning, culture, society has molded us to be something else, to live somehow different to our inherent nature. Whether intentionally or accidentally, somewhere down the line, it happened.
We learned rights and wrongs, goods and bads from others and it influenced the way in which we live in the world and how we live our own lives.
Today, I want to explore leaving it all behind to rebuild a life cultivated from the heart. To drop the armor we have learned to live in and be ourselves.
Let go of the old - Conditioning
Living from the heart really starts by recognizing when something is out of alignment to our inner most heart’s desire.
Living from the heart really starts by recognizing when something is out of alignment to our inner most heart’s desire.
Like a puzzle piece that doesn’t quite fit. Something just feels… off. And nothing you do shakes the feeling off, it lingers somewhere, occasionally popping it’s head up to remind you that “hey, I’m still here!”
The longer you ignore it, the louder it will become.
Until one day, the rug will be pulled from under you if you ignore it for too long. Thanks Waheguru (GOD) LOL.
So, let’s explore what the armor is that we are shedding, aka conditioning, and what the process looks like!
The Process
First, you have to acknowledge the feelings & emotions. For when you’re feeling off!
Next, it’s time to reflect.
Get curious! What is the energy trying to tell you? What doesn’t feel right anymore?
Explore the story.
There is a story within the energy, attached to memories that programmed a certain story belief into you, which is causing misalignment. I call that “conditioning”.
Now, we can begin to let go of the conditionings that don’t feel good as we bring them into our awareness.
Conditionings are beliefs, repeatedly instilled into us, consciously or unconsciously they become ingrained into us through constant repetition of exposure.
Think of a conditioning as something someone else taught you, not exactly something that comes from your own inner self & nature.
Like a program being installed into a computer. The computer isn’t differentiating from good or bad programming, it is simply doing as it is being taught to do.
The same goes for you and your unconscious mind + your conditionings.
Conditionings aren’t necessarily good or bad, but for this article, we will be focusing on conditioning that limits us and has disconnected us from our true nature.
Listen to the Divine Heart within
To really begin to live a life that fulfills us, we need to go inwards and listen to the divine calling, asking us to do something different, break out of our comfort zone of conditioning, and step into a new, more aligned way of living.
For example, that can look like;
dropping old habits of self-sabotage or unfulfillment
setting new, better boundaries and standards
working on connecting to your worthiness and confidence
elevating yourself; how you look at others, your assumptions and judgements, how you think of yourself, how you speak to yourself or of others, etc.
creating new habits for your holistic wellbeing
taking actions out of faith & no longer allowing fear and doubt to keep you playing small
It means making the choices that are for your highest good. And taking the actions that need to be taken, no matter what sort of tantrum the ego throws (trust me, it WILL tantrum).
Questions to ask if you’re ready to listen to the Divine Heart
Can you allow the call of the Divine Heart to guide you?
Can you be still enough to listen? To slow down enough to receive it’s wisdom?
Self-reflection can only come through stillness and alone time.
Do you have the courage to hear what the Divine Heart tells you, even if it’s something you may not want to hear? Even if “you” desire something else?
This is about aligning your will to Divine Will.
Are you willing to feel any emotions that will come up?
Do you have the will & intentions to surrender any ego desires that it may show you are out of alignment?
Sometimes our desires come from an ego attachment, something it is externally seeking because it lacks it from within. But the energy of all things can come from within you, and releasing ego attachment to the will of the Divine Heart takes spiritual practice & surrender.
Living from the Heart
To live from the heart, we must let the old ways of living from the mind and the ego die and descend into our Divine Heart to guide us in our life.
The mind & ego have created the life we have currently lived up until now, and from here on out, the divine heart calls us forward into a more deeply rich, fulfilling, joyful, heart-led life.
Synchronicity led you here, to this post.
Open up your mind and heart to learn and grow. The more you connect with your heart and the Divine within, the greater your “spiritual muscles” will become.
Read through the process! Ask yourself the questions and let it unfold for you and show you the path forward!