Hot Goddesses love themselves

The most important fountain of love we could ever dive into is the fountain of self-love.

How’s that for an interesting cliche? I was thinking about using the analogy of a well to drink from, but I liked the idea of a fountain better. Sounds more romantic, right?

A healthy, empowering, soul-fulfilling, and passionate romance is amazing!

(Umm, kinda sounds like a fairytale?! But possible to have!!)

What is even more amazing, is giving love to yourself and treating yourself in that beautiful, high esteem we usually treat the apple-of-our-eye.

You know that feeling, when you think of someone you love, or a crush even, and that warm, tingly emotion that blossoms within your heart makes you smile and giggle, and fill you with that beautiful expansive energy?

That feeling is wonderful, and I want you to feel that way about yourself.

I want you to be in love with yourself, in a healthy, positive way.

Self-love is the key

The most important person we could give love to, that in doing so would heal the world (yes actually!!), and in doing so will align you with your dreams, your best life, your best self, is you.

Yes, that is right.

You are the answer you have been seeking for all of your problems. It is you.
— Gurjot Kaur

And maybe, you’re in a mindset where you can’t see that. Where you can’t see how you are what you have been waiting for.

You are the key to your happiness, to your dreams, and to all that your heart desires.

And that’s okay if your mindset is not there yet.

That is why cultivating practices of giving love to yourself is so important because it will build up your self-worth and self-empowerment so that you do come to that realization. So that you can discover yourself as a fully blossomed soul.

And discover the you within yourself who is free, with no chains to tie you down. So authentic and self-expressed that what all your soul desires, you channel and flow through you to create, to allow expression.

Without any fear, any judgment, any doubt to hold you back and to hold you down. The you where your heart and your soul have no limits to how high they soar.

How to love yourself

Self-love is the path of connecting to the inner goddess, our divine feminine energy, who is the creator of life.

She is the mother, the womb, the earth. She is the ancient wisdom that teaches us how to nurture, how to listen, to receive, to feel, to trust, to go with the flow. She is the intuition that guides us.

A woman tuned into her energy, her divine feminine (and divine masculine energy because balance is crucial!) is a Goddess.

All of herself, inner and outer expression, is aligned and within balance. Her soul is given free self-expression because she has worked with her ego, and she continues to work with her ego to allow her inner light to shine.

But it is not just the fully awakened to her potential and light woman. It is also the woman who has chosen to take this path, to begin this inner journey, who is a goddess.

So my question to you, beautiful being, is:

  • Do you practice self-love?

  • Did anyone in your life (especially the women) teach you the importance of self-love?

  • The importance of connecting to this beautiful, divine part of yourself?

  • That you have this divine feminine energy within you?

And if they didn’t, are you ready to begin this journey?

This inner initiation deeper within yourself?

Much like the caterpillars retreat into its cocoon, death of its old self (as a caterpillar), and the birth of its new self (as a butterfly), we too must release old parts of ourselves to take on a new way of being, of self, of life.  

If you are beginning this journey of becoming goddessly, here is what I would suggest you keep in mind to incorporate into your lifestyle:

  • positive affirmations - to introduce healthy thoughts to yourself & your brain

  • remove any old, stagnant, negative energies from your life - people, environments, things, habits

  • learn what emotional healing is - reading, research, taking courses, watching youtube videos

There is so much more to get into, but in the beginning, this is more than enough. Pick one that sticks out to you the most, and know that is what your soul is asking of you first, then go and do that.

What is crucial to starting a journey is taking the first step, the rest will follow. So, hopefully, you feel more inspired to make a change. Letting go of things that no longer are good for us, can be hard, so add the positive affirmations into your life and learn up on emotional healing, those will be the easiest to do for you.

I wish you the absolute best, darling! Let me know, have you started your self-love journey? And if you have, what is your favorite self-love practice?

P.S. If you were curious, mine recently has been dancing (there is a long backstory that I will share someday!)

~ From my heart to yours

The Goddess

Gurjot Kaur is the artiste of Goddessly & host of The Goddess Essence Podcast. She is ardently devoted to feminine awakening & intimate relationships. In a hot love affair with life, her creative muse, & loving courageously.


5 ways to practice self-love


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