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Hello, it’s Goddessly.

Before I tell you about Goddessly, let me begin by telling you a little about myself.

Hi! My name is Gurjot, I’m a young, 23 year old woman, with big dreams and an even bigger heart. I am constantly curious, I love to learn and expand my knowledge and understanding. Particularly in the fields of spirituality, mindset, & wellness. I will never stop learning and being the student, while recognising that I have something I can teach as well. Afterall, I believe the best teachers remain students. And that leads me into my heart & soul, Goddessly.

(Psst… If you want to know a little more about me, go check out my about page. I try to keep the focus more on you and how I can serve you here!)

What exactly is Goddessly?

Goddessly is my spiritual business & brand. And here on my blog, it’s where I am sharing everything I have learned, and will continue to learn about life, human nature, spirituality, self-growth, soul evolution. All of that fancy jazz!

The Coaching

Primarily, my goal here is to help you help yourself! You certainly don’t have to be “spiritual” to work on self-growth. For me, spirituality is all about self-growth and discovery, as well as the more energy related things. and why I consider Goddessly to be a spiritually-based business.

If you’re interested in diving into spiritual work:

  • with your mindset

  • overcoming your blockages

  • growing your intuition

  • inner child healing

  • shadow work

I have self-study courses, or will be having them soon (which are great for those of you looking to dip your toes in, or wanting something more affordable), as well as intuitive group mentorship! You can find those here at coaching.

Apart from self-study and mentorship courses, I also have tons of knowledge and wisdom packed into my blog posts, to help you with your soul journey, wherever you may be. My hope is that you are able to take away the gem of a wisdom that will shift your perspective and your life.

As we heal ourselves, we heal the collective. Our energy interacts with so many others, and it makes an impact! Be the light, the love, the kindness, the compassion that we sometimes may feel is lacking in our “dark world”.

My goal is to also eventually expand into helping others start up their spiritual businesses as well, and mentoring them on their entrepreneur journeys. Because your light, your soul gifts are soooo needed in this world! There are enough seats at the table for all of us, and enough food for everybody.

The Products

I firmly believe that all we truly need is ourselves on our inner journey, as well as the teachers who guide us! Both as humans and higher powers.

But with that being said, having tools and catering our outer environments to create the harmony, the peace, the beauty, and the sanctuary our soul’s thrive in is so impactful! It can help speed up the inner process of growth for us; when our environment feels harmonious, and we feel good about ourselves. And believe it or not, you do have a soul essence within you that knows what that feels like for you, what that environment looks like, and what you look like for when you feel most empowered.

That’s why I hope one day to open a metaphysical shop! Crystals, jewelry, magical items, and accessories, selected with intention and love, for those of you who feel called towards that, are intentional of what you bring into your space and how that affects your energy.

And my dream is to one day expand that into natural skincare, and ethical clothing. All the while supporting & partnering with small artisans and businesses with eco-friendly, sustainable, and ethical values.

Crafting that inner and outer harmony.

The Impact

Charity work and uplifting communities is super important to me, as well as a pillar of Goddessly. And it’s part of my vision, to use my platform from Goddessly to give back, make sure I’m contributing and working with charities.

I’ll be donating a percentage of all my sales to certain charities. My plan is to rotate within the categories of environment, animals, and humans. As well as with any natural disasters and global catastrophes that need urgent attention and support!

I have big dreams for the types of charity work I want to one day take part in with helping others. As well as in the areas of sustainable and renewable energies, and incorporating that as much as I can in my business, particularly as it grows, from packaging to carbon emissions.

One day, I’ll be sharing with you in all the ways Goddessly is making an impact, and be able to give you all the guidance, tips, and advice I’ll know, to be able to help you start your own projects and on giving back.

That’s all folks!

Oka, that’s a wrap for now! If you’re thinking about starting your own spiritual business, drop a comment and let me know what you’re interested in! Feel free to check out my other blog posts for spiritual guidance or coaching, if you feel called towards mentorship or a self-study, as well as my metaphysical shop (coming soon)!

Are you an aspiring spiritual entrepreneur? In what area are you interested in? I’d love to know more about my readers:)

With lots of love ❤