Emotional Intelligence

Stormy Sea before a Rocky Coast | Max Jensen (German, 1860-1907)

Development & Mastery of the emotional body is the next major focus of humanity’s evolution.

Within the next few years, majorly within the next decade, emotional intelligence and the development of said skills will explode. Emotional health will become a major trending topic as humanity explores the "emotional frontier” on the quest for deeper fulfillment, purpose, and intimate relationships.

Emotional Intelligence is not a mental understanding of the emotional process and emotions in their various waves. Emotional intelligence is the cultivation of somatic, body-based, embodiment & presence within the lived experience of your emotions.

The purpose of developing this intelligence is so that you will no longer allow your emotions to steer the ship, but instead allow your presence to permeate your emotional waves and allow yourself to hear the sound of the story and past encoded within your emotions. Hearing the story means cultivating enough presence to not be tugged around by your emotions and be under their whim, but instead have cultivated enough inner spaciousness through intimacy with your inner universe and spiritual habits, so that you may hear and feel your emotions to remove the old story and restore it into it’s celestial, divine design and creational frequency wave. Through this intimacy with yourself a higher level of intelligence, emotional intelligence, becomes available to you as you undergo this deeply personal, karmic transformation of emotional sovereignty.

This is emotional intelligence.

This cultivation requires deep presence and begins the clearing of emotional blockages, which will allow the inner template of energy (such as the aura and chakra system) to become purified once more by releasing old baggage. This old baggage needs to go through the processing center, so it can be broken down and “sorted” and you can reclaim certain parts of your emotions, identity, and energy that is stuck within intense paradigms(of the past) within old emotions.

It is not of the ideology that “feelings are not facts” which is simultaneously true and not true.

Objectively, they are not facts, subjectively (based on YOU the subject) they may not be “facts” but they certainly are deeply encoded with stories that need to be heard and given the honor of space to allow their voice to speak. These stories may be “true” for you, but they are also most likely stuck within highly personalized conditioning of how you perceived everything you experienced through ONLY your subjective lens (still within the age you experienced the emotional conditioning and energetic developments of that age in your psyche), without considerations of higher principles to also witness your emotions and extract from them wisdom and personal power, growth and learning that will aid you in development of your psyche and tap into deep cleansing & rightful destroying powers.

This emotional intelligence is required for intimate love.

Emotional intelligence faces hardship, conflict, challenge, misalignment and understands, even if only at an instinctive + intuitive level, how to learn what is needed to be learned for the development of the self with virtuous attributes. Emotional intelligence requires that you take the reigns of momentous emotional waves and not be swept under them and beneath them, like a seaweed tumbling here or there, wherever the waves tug you. This intelligence is developed from you growing such inner spaciousness that you are greater than the emotions, and are therefore the mistress of the inner sea.

There is enough detachment (objectivity) for you to observe and learn and not be enmeshed within them, and enough intimate presence with yourself (subjectivity) that you know your emotions are highly valuable and important to you so you can feel and honor them without mental body interference, which is the space through which this intelligence is earned and gifted to you spiritually.

This is deep purification and exploration of the emotional body within the multi-dimensional ecosystem, filling it up with your Shakti as you bring your presence to your emotions.

I explore this deeper in my women's exclusive fb group Feminine Radiance, devoted to cultivating Shakti, the feminine essence, and reawakening the lost feminine arts within you, especially if you desire a deeply romantic, passionate, intimate relationship.

May you love courageously.


The Goddess

Gurjot Kaur is the artiste of Goddessly & host of The Goddess Essence Podcast. She is ardently devoted to feminine awakening & intimate relationships. In a hot love affair with life, her creative muse, & loving courageously.


Dream Etiquette


The beauty of consistency