Don’t let your dreams die.
The Poet’s Dream; ‘The Pursuit of the Ideal’ (1881) | Henry John Stock (English, 1853-1930)
Being overwhelmed by emotions & (NOT!) letting those inner dreams die
I know life is incredibly painful sometimes.
It is an inescapable part of life.
Sometimes it’s great and those times are wonderful, but sometimes it’s not so great and those are the times that I want to look into today.
How we allow ourselves to experience life when we are down on our luck, feeling broken, lost, and hopeless. And like that inner flame of life has died.
It’s in these low moments, that we learn what our strength is, that our character grows when we stand back up, that we cultivate and reach into ourselves deeper than we have ever before.
All too often, when we get down on ourselves and our circumstances, we tend to make decisions that are self-sabotaging or even worse; we decide to give up on ourselves and our dreams and settle.
I want to talk with you about never allowing that flame to die from within.
This season of winter for the soul
If life is good right now, then you may not be able to relate, but if you’ve certainly gone through a long “dark night of the soul” or experienced moments of dark hopeless despair in your life, feeling burdened by emotions, pain, and the weight of the world then you will understand how difficult it can be to get back up.
In THOSE moments, it’s important for you to not get stuck, which will make you wither and die.
Lack of movement/momentum is lack of life, which is death.
But just as nature too experiences her own death through winter, she blooms again come spring.
Her lack of life on the surface didn’t mean she wasn’t cultivating life within the soil and her roots.
We are EXACTLY the same.
It is now time to tend to your own roots and nourishment so you may grow the flowers and plants you wish to blossom.
In these vital, life-changing low moments you MUST make the choice to choose to keep going on, dreaming, trusting, & believing in the divine dreams and the wisdom + blessings that have still to reach you.
Just as nature goes through cycles, so too do we.
Be aware of that.
The dreams of the dreamer & the inner flame
You have done this before.
You have stood underneath surmounting pressure and you lived. You kept going on and life got better.
This time and every other time after this one is no different.
All of the pain you are experiencing is in the mind. Quite often, it is our own perceptions and expectations that are causing pain.
Not where you hoped to be? Pain.
Not what you expected it to go like? Not how far along you thought you’d be in life? Thought life would be picture perfect, just as you have envisioned it in your mind? Pain.
It’s in YOUR mind, meaning you get to work with your mind, you get to learn to temper expectations to reality, without letting reality crush your dreams.
Dreams are so real. The Dream Giver has given them to you. You get to believe in that with all your heart.
AND you also get to learn to play on human terms, with a few more hiccups and bumps in the road than our picture perfect ideals would like it to be.
Of course, this can take time to learn how to step into this energy. Those low times suck. But if you can learn and teach yourself to move through the low times, change your own perceptions of what those low times mean, and understand that life is still in your hands, then you are golden my friend.
Sometimes that inner flame will dim. Sometime it feels like it has completely died.
But just as our heart keeps beating, that flame will come back to life again.
It has for me, for you, and the billions of people who live now and have lived before us.
Some hope for you
Honestly, I had no other intentions with this article other than to give you hope.
I just moved through this energy, but I have much practice under my belt now of learning how to handle these really difficult moments. And then the tools of moving through it.
My advice to you if you’re also experiencing this energy, but are struggling is to connect to “life” energy again.
Go out into nature
Watch a movie, preferably comedy to get some good laughs in
Play or spend time with animals
Going out someplace and being around humans also helps
Exercise, walking, anything to get the body moving and blood pumping
If you’re up for it you can also try making/learning something
I would never recommend ignoring your emotions and energy, because bypassing and avoidance doesn’t work.
But in those super low moments, sometimes it is simply better to get the energy moving again so you can pull your mind out of the funk and then have the capacity and presence to be with and introspect on what is happening within you.
Dealing with the feels regularly
Because dreams die from us giving up on them, caused by the weight of life, it’s important to deal with the feels.
The more you work through your emotions and feel them on a regular basis, the less low those low moments will be.
When we push everything to the way side, it will abruptly and painful come up all at once when it is triggered which can lead to a deep, dark spiral downwards.
The more you feel into yourself on the daily, the less harsh and dramatic it will be. The more confident and prepared you’ll be to move through the energy.
“Our biggest dream killer is our mind.”
How to deal with your feels?
The best way to deal with feels is to feel them.
Emotions are just emotions. They mean nothing about you, as the eternal soul within observing your human experience.
The less you identify with emotions and cling onto them or make them mean some hugely momentous thing, the better and quicker you can allow energy to pass through you.
Once you’ve learned to do that, you’ll be super golden. Like more successful than most of the population on Earth. Learning to healthily relate to emotions is a BIG deal, and most people don’t know how to do it.
I could go on about the benefits of healthy emotional regulation and what it means about your success and life, but I’ll leave that for another time!
That’s a wrap
I hope you found some comfort in this article.
This was more of a free flowing inspirational article for you.
Don’t let the dreams die. Don’t settle for less than the magnificence of your soul deserves and came here to receive.
Just because we need to work with our human selves, our emotions and our fears, and the sometimes harsh life on Earth, it doesn’t mean that our dreams are any less real.
Believing is seeing, my friends. Believing is seeing.
If you know you have a dream, know that it is just as alive as life itself. And it was given to you, to shepherd it into form on Earth.
And just as it was given to you, so will the path reveal itself for you to bring it into earthly existence. You get to believe in that, and know that your job is to take the next step and move through any limitations stopping you.
Just one step at a time, my dears. That’s all you need to take. One step at a time.
All my love to you.