Activating your inner abundance to attract wealth
Princess Nazili Hanum (1875) | Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann (Polish, 1819 – 1881)
Want more money? More joy and pleasure from life? I’ve got you.
This is a juicy topic, I’m loving the deep dive I’m having into this energy and inner wisdom coming forward!
There is some paradigm shifting that needs to happen to switch from externally seeking to internally accessing within yourself and to begin to realize how all of this goodness begins from within you!
Keep reading to find out how & let’s unfold this exploration together.
Shifting the Paradigm
If you haven’t been aware or sensing the shifting tides of Earth’s energy, we are awakening collectively to Spiritual Truth, our Sovereign nature, Emotional Intelligence, and reconnecting to God Source from a heart lead place.
Previously, it was quite the opposite. And of course, it still is and will be for a while as it takes time to shift collectively.
We were taught to seek outside of ourselves first rather than access from within ourselves.
So, if you wanted more money, go out and hustle + grind until you make it.
Of course, you may be thinking, “HOW ELSE DO I MAKE MONEY!!!”
To which the answer is to reconnect with yourself deeper and access the energy of abundance, wealth, worthiness, & success from within you FIRST!
THEN from this energy do you go out and make moves in the external world. Then this energy opens you to the abundance around you externally, to the possibility and opportunities around you externally, it guides you and gives you wisdom and intuitive guidance to take action externally.
Of course, action is required for long term wealth building. So you access this energy and inner state first, which is really just a reconnection to God Source as an aatma (soul), and then you take action in the physical 3d world.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy, right?
WRONG! Haha :(
Working with your limiting human condition
And enter, The Ego.
Ahhhh, just gotta love that pesky little fella, doing his best to keep us alive.
He means well but he can get in the way, ALOT. Kind of like an overprotective father limiting your freedom out of “safety.” Like, let me be free, Dad, so I can grow and live life fully!
(OFC, the ego isn’t a “he”, it’s just for analogy sake!)
Hence, needing to work on our human ego self, that gets stuck and entangled up into energies, doesn’t release and let go, doesn’t want to face fear and pain which further keeps us stuck, yada yada, you get the picture!
Pretty much all of the work is to open us up and expand ourselves beyond our limiting fears & beliefs and to reconnect with our Sovereign, spiritual nature as a soul, which will naturally align us to loving, empowering beliefs about our self.
So, to sum it up. We access abundance first from within us, which guides us to take action. And then we must also work on our ego self which is stopping us from expanding into said abundance because of it’s fears and limitations!
Activating your inner creativity + self love
Okay, but how and where does this inner abundance come from? How can I access that right now?
Glad you asked. While this truly is a course in and of itself, to sum it up quickly is that you need to have a solid foundation of self-love.
Because it’s from this place of love and acceptance with yourself that you can open to see your inner abundance. If you don’t love yourself, you’re not going to be able to see your qualities, your talent, your genius, and access your inner well of creativity.
If you don’t love yourself, you can’t open to the possibility of good things happening for you because you feel unworthy of them, undeserving.
So the first step is to love yourself and open to love. From there, things will naturally intuitively begin to open and show themselves to you.
Wow, were you expecting that answer? Haha, funny isn’t it. We always think that there must be something more, it can’t be that easy.
Well love to tell ya that it is as simple as loving yourself deeply to open your creative, abundant well. And it’s also as hard as that, if you’ve spent a lifetime not loving yourself.
It can be painful, messy, and scary.
But keep going. I promise you will be rewarded beyond what you can imagine when you do this work.
I’m gonna leave it here for now! Hope that was illuminating for you!
You can always book coaching packages or a healing session with me if you feel called to go deeper into this together!
Happy Soul exploring and self-loving!