Intimate, potent 1:1

My soul was called to simplify my offerings.

This is my most potent, transformative soul work.

Feminine Frequency

Discover your LOVE BLUEPRINT; a map of your inner universe in love.

Together, we explore your inner map of challenges, blockages, and unconscious patterning to see the root of the imbalances in your relationship.

Learn where, how, & why the energy is misaligned and what needs adjustment to bring you deep nourishment.

You will be anchored back into your sensuality, your feminine radiance, & your heart’s desire. Along with crystal clear clarity & confidence in navigating your relationship waters.

I recommend this for:

Women in relationships unsure of how to step into their feminine energy + wanting deeper intimacy, passion, & romance.

For single women to anchor you into your feminine radiance to call in an aligned masculine partner.

A message

If you resonate with my work, I invite you to my community: Feminine Radiance.

I share exclusive, potent, feminine explorations only in that sacred (free) space.



My Membership, The Temple of Radiance.

Receive my feminine awakening guidance long-term.

Through the support of intimacy & trust, we can make a holistic, sustainable, complete metamorphosis into your radiance & feminine shakti to create a sacred, intimate, passionate relationship. Let us take this deeper journey together to understand & explore your inner universe and open to your heart’s deepest yearnings & fulfillment.

Sign up for the waitlist.


In the meantime, listen to my podcast.



Thank you for being here and trusting me on your journey home. It’s a joy and honor to walk with you.

May you love courageously, beautiful soul.