The Temple of Radiance

A Sacred Membership; Join the Waitlist

Divine Transmission & Heart Opening in the realms of relationships, sensuality, & in cultivating an inner sanctuary.

Still ruminating in divine realms before opening it’s gates. Devoted to co-creating divine love and cultivating a world of radiant women, hearts open, spirits free, & loving courageously.

Join the waitlist to be the first to know when this transformational portal opens.

Enter The Temple of Radiance

hearts wide open & ready to love courageously

Here’s what you’ll receive in this sacred space:

  • A private discord server

  • Exclusive content specifically to support you

    • in relationships + in creating an inner sanctuary

  • My support in the group with my psychic channeling & guidance

  • An incredible, vast library of wisdom + additional resources for support;

    • somatic practices, specific yoga flows, guided meditations, reiki sessions, quizzes, & more.

  • Guest expert trainings & sessions

  • Group Q&A sessions, twice a month

  • An audience tailored, members only podcast; Radiant Revelations

  • A community of soul-aligned women embracing their feminine essence + igniting their romantic life

*This membership is a guided journey to learning the relationship tools to calling in & co-creating divine love. You’ll be learning the deep, feminine energetics as well as cultivating a personal, nourishing, masculine foundation for your relationship & self.

Whom this is NOT For:

This is important for me to have defined & transparent boundaries around this membership so you know if this is not the right space for you. If it’s not, then good luck on finding what is aligned for you.

  • Someone unwilling to be a student

  • Someone unwilling to face uncomfortable emotions & feelings

  • Someone who doesn’t trust me to guide you + give you the resources you need

  • Someone unwilling to hold themselves accountable to show up & do the work

  • Someone who constantly complains + expects things to happen for them without any effort

  • Someone not humble enough to admit when they are wrong and when they are the problem

  • Someone who can’t stand women who curse, are emotional, & are living life unapologetically

  • Someone unwilling to grow, evolve, & most importantly learn what it means to love courageously.

This was created just for you if you’re:

  • Seeking relationship harmony, passion, & intimacy

  • Committed to loving yourself and your evolution

  • Eager to truly learn & grow in a holistic; mind, body, spirit approach

  • Ready to drop the frustration & trust + allow me to guide you back home within

  • Ready to become who you need to be to align to the magnetic, divine love you seek

  • Ready to drop all the masks, the facades, and the armor around your divine heart to let love in

  • Ready to show up & have your life completely transformed from learning + implementing

  • A feminine woman or wanting to learn how to relax into your feminine energy in relationships & life

This is so much more than a

relationship membership.

This is finally coming home to your heart.

Are you ready to love courageously?

Join the Waitlist

Join the Waitlist

Come trust your heart to surrender to the feminine radiance within this temple.