The perfect guide to Cancer Season
The queen & the crab (1906) | Henry Justice Ford (English, 1860–1941)
Ahh, the season of the shy, comfort loving crab. Hello Cancer Crab Club, right there with you!
So, you know how it’s fall and winter and all you can think about is Summer (the past), the good vibes, the get togethers, the fun and all the love, the emotional satisfaction, the hot weather, all the feely-good-feels?
That is exactly a generically nice, cozy, Cancer vibe. And we are going to dive a little deeper than that in this article today.
If you’re new to Astrology, or just want a refresher, here’s your complete guide to welcoming in this energy!
Here’s what I’m covering in this article:
Understanding Cancer; the crab
What to expect
Your questionnaire
5 tips for moving through this Cancer Season
Understanding Cancer; the crab
Cancer is a cardinal water sign and begins the start of our nostalgic, eagerly awaited return of Summer.
Cancer is symbolized by The Crab and spans from June 21th to July 22th. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is most similar to the Greek Goddess Artemis, Goddess of the Moon & Wilderness.
The actual constellation of Cancer is based on the mythology of Hercules and the giant crab, Karkinos, sent by Hera, that he killed during his battle with the Hydra.
Cancer energy is all about:
The Mother
Divine Feminine Energy
The past & history
Family, Friends, Loved ones
The emotional depths of the psyche
The birth of life
Cyclical Rhythms & Nature
Your roots, home, foundation
S-E-C-U-R-I-T-Y & S-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y
We descend into the depths of emotions with Cancer. This energy is so much more than being “moody & sensitive” because all of the water signs are to some degree.
There is a deep connection to the source of primordial life energy and the gateway between spirit and life, unmanifest and manifest energy. Think of a mother’s womb as a portal.
Cancer has a very unexplored depth in the collective consciousness of mainstream astrology. Just like Mothers get so looked over in our society, so too do a lot of the other powerful energies of Cancer.
What to expect
I am going to be talking a lot more about the emotional aspects of Cancer because we are such an emotionally numb, avoidant, and depressed society.
This water season is really about learning to be in tune with yourself. You should expect to feel deep emotions come up and to possibly reconnect with certain aspects of your past. That can include people, behaviors, nostalgic sentiments, music, history.
For ex: I found an old photo of myself during this season that I hadn’t seen in years. It’s subtle but it’s on point.
Reconnecting with family, women, unexplored or ignored emotions are also possible. I would also say you may be feeling deeply creative urges and feeling compelled by an unknown force within you to birth some creation or idea into life.
Mothering yourself is huge and learning the arts of femininity and romance are great with this energy.
If you have issues with; your mother, your feminine energy, your creativity, your roots (family, home, childhood, traditions, culture), with food, with feeling your emotions; this would be the perfect time period where those energies are stirred up within you, so be mindful of that!
Now that we’ve covered that, here are a few questions to ask yourself during Cancer Season to have the best time moving through this energy.
Your questionnaire
How in-tune are you with your emotions?
Do you truly feel them? Or do you try to numb and avoid?
I find that even though we have emotions, we usually aren’t intentionally feeling + moving through them.
What does safety & security look like to you?
So you know what you need to soothe your nervous system to grow.
What is your relationship like with your family? Your home? Your childhood
The past will dictate the present and future if we are not aware of it.
Where are you still clinging to the past?
What is it time for you to let go of?
How do you enjoy receiving love? Giving love?
So you can know what your emotional needs are. And so you can practice loving on your friends & family.
5 tips for moving through this Cancer Season
Feel your feels!
An emotionally numb & disconnected society is going to struggle in a water season.
All of your emotions are okay. If you need to cry, cry.
Open to vulnerability
This is scary but crucial for emotional depth and intimacy in relationships.
The irony is that vulnerability will lead to more connection, stability, & safety.
Learn to nurture yourself
This energy is notorious for needing lots of emotional security, stability, and safety so nurturing is important.
Like a loving mother to a child.
Cultivate a grounding practice
Inner security feels good.
Freshen up your environment
Now is a great time to play house and make your space(s) harmonious, in-tune, and feel cozy + energizing to you.
Okay, hope you enjoyed this one! I could really go more in-depth because our society has such an issue with emotions, feelings, and understanding this powerfully feminine energy.
Watch out for any separate upcoming articles around those topics!
How are you enjoying Cancer Season? Leave a comment and let me know.
We have Leo Season coming up fast, so stay tuned for that one!
I’ll see you in the future, my friends.